
How We Got Here.


In 2011 some teen-aged boys in the southern part of Syria spray-painted some anti-government graffiti on the walls of their school.  They were arrested and tortured...which led to a series of demonstrations, which, fueled by years of resentment of the corrupt nature of the al-Assad government, spread throughout the country.

Few Syrians expected the demonstrations to lead to a war...but by early 2012, an extremely brutal war had broken out, which has led to “the greatest humanitarian disaster since World War II”.

By 2012, 400,000 Syrians (many of them children) had been killed.  Five million Syrians, with little choice, then fled to other countries.

Now, in 2021, more than 11 million Syrians are in need of humanitarian aid due to being displaced from their homes (half are displaced outside the country’s borders and half remain displaced in Syria).

Our desire is to help provide food, clothing, and education for these families, focusing especially on the children in need. We have started various educational centers along with food and clothing ministries to serve these who are without hope otherwise.